Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So I've been a member since June and have not posted one thing. I know, I know, most people are thinking, "And she calls herself a writer?" In my defense I was suffering from a serious disorder...lost in Excuseville, or a lingering LAG-a-saurus-Rex, or simply put... denial. I've been searching for a starting point for months claiming I have writers block but really I just wasn't inspired. I walked into Starbucks today for my London Fog Tea Latte with soy(delish) and spotted my starting point.
A painting that was an exact replica of a magazine photo. It put me at a standstill and I had to pause my "Hello Kitty for MAC" telephone conversation with V and snap a picture. As I was leaving there he was with his paintbrush, delicately placing his caffeinated strokes, one by one. He was at ease and completely unaware of his surroundings(isn't everyone in Hollywood?). Perhaps he woke up this morning and said, "I need to paint something, anything, today. I'm so not inspired but the sun is shining again after a stint of rain and it calls for a piece of art. Oh yeah, the mag I bought yesterday has this illusive model dying to be painted." 
However he ended up there vs. a park I'll never know but I do know I'm a firm believer in signs and him having his setup at the doorway was something I decided to take as a sign. Get inspired and do what you've been wanting to do. Blog it baby!

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